What is 'TheLifeStyle'? It's more than just fitness, it's a journey of self discovery. A way of life that if followed as instructed, will not only offer physical changes but the emotional empowerment that's both needed and desired to keep you moving forward and help you ultimately become the confident strong woman you are and deserve to be in whatever your own lifestyle is.
15 years ago I found myself trying to get out of a physically abusive relationship that lasted 8 years, but with 2 children, no job, and no money, I found myself feeling stuck and broken down. If it wasn't for our law enforcement helping me get out of that situation, I don't know where I'd be. Even after getting out of it though, I'd lived for so long feeling like I was nothing, that even with this new freedom it was hard to feel any different until one day I decided it was time for me to finally be done with my life being controlled, and taking control of it myself. I have very strong convictions that there is a plan for all of us, and once we're making the right decisions, more frequently opportunities begin presenting themselves, guiding us down life's many paths and towards our goals. After getting my career underway I was able to start focusing on myself and who I wanted to be in life, which initially led me to running, and then to fitness. As I started shaping my own lifestyle and finding a happy balance, I began blossoming into who I am today. My goal is to help you find your own LifeStyle and blossom into the woman you have always wanted to be.

What others have had to say..
"Signing up with Crystal was a life-changer for me. I could not have asked for a better support system. Her support and encouragement got me through some of the toughest times. She started out as my coach, and quickly became a treasured friend. My spark is back!!!! My confidence shines now in a way it never has. I feel amazing. She showed me that ANYTHING is possible. The results I got from her programs are INCREDIBLE. One of the best decisions I've ever made."
- Jamie McQuivey, Utah
"I was a little apprehensive working with an online trainer but she is super responsive and easy to get a hold when needed and makes herself available when needed. Because of her care, concern and knowledge I have been able to crush my goals and step on the stage to compete in my first NPC Bikini Completion.... I would highly recommend Crystal to anyone looking for that expertise needed to gain muscle, lose fat or a combination of both."
- Naomi Olson, Minnesota
"I started working with Crystal Martin in May of 2016, I had previously competed in 4 shows.. I stumbled upon crystals page by accident and looked through her photos at a woman that I inspired to be. A mother, a wife, a successful business woman, a survivor, a fighter and a fitness diva.. I noticed significant changes in just the first two weeks! During our journey she was always responsive and encouraging, and always available if I had any questions. I knew shortly after that this was going to be special. 6 months later I competed in my show and not only took home 1st place in my class, but enjoyed my meal plan right down to the last week, and never had to do crazy amounts of cardio!"
- April Labbe, AU